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33 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know - Part 5 == vs === vs typeof

33 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know - Part 5 == vs === vs typeof

How much of JavaScript do you really think you know? You probably know how to write functions, understand simple algorithms, and can even write a class. But do you know what a typed array is?

You don't need to know all of these concepts right now, but you will eventually need them later in your career. That’s why I recommend bookmarking this list, because chances are, you’ll encounter one of these topics, and then you’re gonna want a tutorial to fully understand it.

It’s important to note that this list was inspired from the following repository:

1. Call Stack

2. Primitive Types

3. Value Types and Reference Types

4. Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structuring and Duck Typing

5. == vs === vs typeof

33 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know - Part 5 == vs === vs typeof

JavaScript has two visually similar, yet very different, ways to test equality. You can test equality with == or ===. Source


6. Function Scope, Block Scope and Lexical Scope

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30 de nov. de 2024
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This article does a great job of clarifying the differences between ==, ===, and typeof in JavaScript! The concise examples make it easier to understand these important concepts. If you’re looking to explore these operators further and learn best practices for avoiding common pitfalls, I recommend visiting post about javascript equality operators depp dive. It offers practical tips and deeper insights that every JavaScript developer should know!

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